Nine Realms (TPB) nr. 4: Cerulean Queen, The - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer) (Kozloff, Sarah)

The true queen of Weirandale has returned. Cerulia has done the impossible and regained the throne. However, she's inherited a council of traitors, a realm in chaos, and a war with Oromondo. Now a master of her Gift, to return order to her kingdom she will use all she has learned—humility, leadership, compassion, selflessness, and the necessity of ruthlessness. The Nine Realms Series #1 A Queen in Hiding #2 The Queen of Raiders #3 A Broken Queen #4 The Cerulean Queen

Udgivet af TOR 

Sarah Kozloff

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