Wolf at the Door, The (HC) (Wolfe, Gene)

An all new collection from an American literary icon The circus comes to town… and a man gets to go to the stars. A young girl on a vacation at the sea meets the man of her dreams. Who just happens to be dead. And an immortal pirate. A swordfighter pens his memoirs… and finds his pen is in fact mightier than the sword. Welcome to Gene Wolfe’s playground, a place where genres blend and a genius’s imagination straps you in for the ride of your life. The Wolfe at the Door is a brand new collection from one of America’s premiere literary giants, showcasing some material been seen before. Short stories, yes, but also poems, essays, and ephemera that gives us a window into the mind of a literary powerhouse whose world view changed generations of readers in their perception of the universe.

Udgivet af TOR 

Gene Wolfe
Amerikansk forfatter og tidligere redaktør på et magasin om planter. Han har skrevet SF og fantasy siden 1965, men han er mest kendt for serien "The Book of the New Sun." som udkom I begyndelsen af 80'erne. Siden er der kommet en fortsættelse "The Urth of the New Sun.", og nogle helt nye serier, "The Book of the Long Sun" og "The Book of the Short Sun" . Wolfe har vundet flere priser, blandt andet for novellen "The Death of Doctor Island." Seneste udspil fra Wolfe er fantasy serien "The Wizard Knight"

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