SF Masterworks (TPB)Life (Jones, Gwyneth)

Anna Senoz is a brilliant young scientist, working towards her PhD and a bright career when she makes a discovery that could change the world of genetics forever. The 'Transferred Y' chromosome, however, isn't as welcomed by her peers, or the wider society. Anna is forced to choose between her dedication to her discovery, the progress of her career, and her responsibilities to her family. Does scientific integrity mean speaking out against the naysayers? Are the potential ramifications of her discovery too wide-reaching for her to risk pursuing it?

Udgivet af Gollancz 

Gwyneth Jones
Engelsk forfatterinde som har skrevet fantasy under et pseudonym men som hovedsageligt skriver SF under sit eget navn. Blandt hendes bøger kan nævnes; "Divine Endurance", "Escape Plans" og "Kairos".

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